Saturday, 30 April 2011


In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
When it came to the presentation and misenscene that revolved around the creation of each of my products it was essential that I considered the stereotypical elements that were presented within other forms of media products. The product I created was a horror movie trailer called ‘Light’, which  included a  film poster and magazine front cover  that advertised my product to my potential target audience. Essentially when thinking about my product and deciding what genre to follow  it was important that I understood what went into the process of  designing and researching.  When it came to deciding upon the genre of my product  I wanted to make sure that I inputted the conventions of a horror into my product.
In the process of researching  the conventions of the horror genre  it was important that I gained an understanding of what would allow me to create a successful product , as well as actually designing one and creating it. I feel that overall my product follows the conventions of real media products as it evidently  shows an understanding of what should be expected within the layout and chosen imagery of my misenscene. 
I believe my trailer  presents the narrative of my product clearly and visibly with the use of dark colours and lighting. My target audience aimed  towards my trailer are 15 and above which meant that I needed to consider all aspects of my editing and filming to suit what was expected when creating a product that would interest them, as well as potentially scare them. The narrative that I wanted to establish to my target audience was the idea of a woman being possessed by the energy of the light itself, which relates to what is seen within my trailer and the idea of unknown identity. This form of narrative would usually be categorised under the sub genre of a psychological horror, which was my initial aim when making planning and researching into other horror film trailers. such as many other successful and well known films that I wanted to base my narrative on for example ‘Paranormal activity’  and ‘Blair witch project’. Whilst researching into different  horror film trailers I noticed that the use of fast shot cuts, as well as close ups and zoom in shots were among the most recognised techniques used within many of the most well known horror trailers.
 Firstly the name of my product ‘Light’ was ;I felt ,juxtaposing against the stereotypical expectations of what to expect within the actual name of a horror film. I wanted my target audience to become interested in the possible idea of what my narrative could be especially when it came to my films title.  My aim was to take the psychological emotion experienced  by my audience, in terms of light being a form of safety and reassurance and turn that against my audience by making them fear the unexpected. This therefore allowed me to  challenged other forms of media as not that many recent products have really gone against what the audience expects in terms of the overall portrayal of the narrative. 

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