Saturday, 30 April 2011


How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

When combining my main product with my ancillary texts I found that they all worked well and effectively together when it came to portraying a professional looking product.  Each of my products focuses on the idea of ‘Light’ and my symbol of a light bulb to emphasis to my target audience the link between my narrative and the genre of a horror within my products. Together my poster allows my viewers to come up with their own idea as to what the narrative may be about,. This then adds more interest to my magazine front cover as my audience will gain a bit more information from the change in picture as a hand is then included within my magazines central image, with the light bulb smashed inside it. I wanted there to be a build up  by the time my audience actually viewed my trailer.  My trailer itself I feel highlights all of the aspects within both my ancillary tasks as I have incorporated the light bulb s as well as the unknown hand to really create an eerie image and atmosphere. I could have used more of a grotesque image such as the idea of adding blood into my trailer, but I didn’t want to give away to much of my narrative to my audience than I needed to so I decided to leave out the aspect of blood. Another feature I chose to leave out was any diegetic speech made by my actors as I wanted to totally engross my audience into the misenscene and atmosphere of the narrative without them getting to attached to any of my characters. I feel that all of my products link well with each other and that I have successfully created a well designed and made element of media that will captivate my audience.

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