Tuesday, 26 April 2011

The Shining trailer

The Shining Trailer
This trailer is very different to that of Psycho as as it contains no form of dialogue just Non diegetic music in the background. The use of Misenscene used within the trailer is simple yet the colours used suggest to the theme of violence, for example the red lift doors which may be symbollic to that of blood which is a BIG hint to the future narrative of the trailer and film.Throughout most of the beginning part of the trailer nothing of significant importance actually happens yet the Non digetic music used allows an errie atmospher to be created which in turn keeps its audience captivated in their seats wondering what is going to happen. The lighting used through out the trailer is quite musty and dull which helps to create a level of insecurity within the viewer as they being put into an uncomfortable situation where by anything can happen. This technique I feel is quite successful as it stereotypically follows the conventions of the Horror genre. Take a look for yourself and let me know what you think.

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